Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eco-Friendly Promotional Custom Products

Companies are now using Eco-Friendly promotional imprinted products more & more to carry their logo & name. They are actually displaying two messages when they invest in these promotions: their own about their business & another showing they care about the environment.
"Eco-Friendly" covers a huge range of products today. Almost anything you want your message on can be imprinted on environmentally safe or recyclable materials.
We all know about recyclable grocery & tote bags. Just look around you in any grocery store. But do you know that there are biodegradable plastic bags? These are available in all price ranges to fit any budget. They also have a large imprint area to broadcast your company while your customers shop.
Yet, there's so much more available besides bags......apparel, pens, notebooks with hard covers as well as all other paper products such as sticky notes & calendars. Almost all plastic promotional custom products can be requested in an environmentally-friendly plastic made from recyclable goods.
This can get confusing since products that are friendlier to our planet use terms like recycled, biodegradable, organic & non-polluting.
Below is a glossary that will help you understand how the items you are buying today will make a difference for all of our tomorrows.

1. RECYCLED: The term means that the raw material used to make the product has been used before & then processed so that it can form a new product. (Pens & plastic promotional items)

2. NON-POLLUTING: This describes the action which is intentionally taking steps to avoid making an area or substance harmful to people, animals or plants by adding harmful chemicals. (Apparel with your company name)

3. SUSTAINABLE: The raw materials to make a product has been supplied from a source that has & will be able to continue to supply over a long period of time, causing little or no damage to the environment. A good example of this are trees used to make paper come from specially planted forests that are grown & maintained solely for this use. (Paper goods advertising your company)

4. BIODEGRADABLE: These products have the ability to decay naturally & harmlessly without any negative impact on the environment. Biodegradable items help limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere & like a fallen leaf will disappear over time & leave no harmful residue in the soil. (Plastic bags with your company's message on them)

5. ORGANIC: These items are produced without using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants or animals for food & other products. (Food products displaying your logo)

I hope this helps to give you a better understanding of how your "going green" promotional items are manufactured & can help our planet.

Maybe next time with promotional imprinted products that are Eco-Friendly!
Ronni sherman


  1. Thank you for explaining this in such easy terms. This is a great article that is full of useful information.

  2. Ronni,
    I thought your blog was very good but you should point out in another one that recycled plastics now are available in the same colors as other plastic products. It used to be you could only get them in dull greens and yellows and I'm sure many people still think that way. That could be a deterrant for them to buy.
    Paul (Basinger & Collins Promotional Products)
