Not surprisingly, your business isn't the first one to realize the marketing potential of advertising specialties, so you can bet that for every stress ball you hand out, there are a half dozen similar ones crowding that person's desk drawer. You need to show creativity to make sure that your products stand out from your competitors. To help you along the way, here are a few tips to maximize the effectiveness of your promotional custom products.
Bigger Is Better
Eliminate The Ordinary
Keep It Practical
Promotional gifts like mini rubber basketballs & hand-clappers are fun......for about 10 minutes until the person forgets about them forever. The most effective advertising is going to come items that people need & use on a regular basis--ones that are useful to them, so stick with the practical products. Custom & colorful note pads, ceramic coffee mugs & even letter openers come into play almost everyday. These, along with pens, are some of the best products to imprint your logo. Reusable shopping bags are the number one marketing item right now & they not only keep your name in front of your client but it's in public for potential customers to after day all year long.
Do It For The Kids
There is one instance when you should consider ditching the practical route for a more fun option--children's toys. After all, if there's one group that loves free stuff more than any other, it's kids. And the parents in your target audience will appreciate that you thought of their children. In fact, it's a good way to win them over. Stuffed animals, beach balls, coloring books, crayons, sidewalk chalk, hacky sacks, yo-yos, slinkies (remember those?), banks & the list goes on. These are all great & inexpensive gifts that the little ones are sure to love & that's bound to get the message to their parents also.
Don't Be A Dinosaur
There are many marketing products that used be extremely effective in the promotional field, like key tags & magnets. They have outlived their use & if you continue to give these out, you can be sure that they will most likely end up in the waste paper basket. Keep up with the times & make sure what you hand out is useful & will be used on a regular basis. Just because it worked in the past doesn't mean it will work now. The whole point is for your company name & logo to be seen so you will be remembered. Mouse pads, cubicle pins, sticky note pads & cell phone holders are some items that keep up with the times.
So the next time you hand out your promotional custom products, think how yours can make an impact & stand out from the others. What can you do so your customers will want to use what they get from you over what they get elsewhere? Good luck!
Ronni Sherman
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